Thursday, February 20, 2020

Choose a multinational company,and Selecting one new market and one Essay - 1

Choose a multinational company,and Selecting one new market and one product, detail and justify a marketing plan for the launch of this product into this, hither too, new market segment - Essay Example In 2012, Sony reported a net loss of 67.3 billion yen (Hirai 2012). In 2011, Sony reported a loss of 199.8 billion yen, indicating a significant problem attaining revenue growth which is attributable to increased competition in the electronics industry and changing consumer preferences throughout the globe. Sony, to combat these significant financial losses, is to launch the new Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer, a head-mounted display device allowing consumers to enjoy three-dimensional video content that is akin to the three dimensional movie theatre experiences. This product, already accepted as a revolutionary product in a variety of international markets, fits snugly and comfortably around the users’ brow, offering an unparalleled, horizontal viewing range of 45 degrees. The device offers supplementary high-quality Surround Sound capabilities to enhance viewing experience. The objective of this new launch is to recapture revenue losses, disrupt the personal electronics market, and improve Sony’s brand image in the new Serbian market, a developing nation that can provide new profit opportunities for Sony. Serbia scores low on Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Framework in masculinity, a cultural propensity to value achievement and personal success as primary lifestyle-centric drivers (Hofstede Centre 2012; Hofstede and Hofstede 2005). This makes Serbia a feminine society, one where citizens seek solidarity, consensus, and a cultural set of values about promoting equality for all peoples. These values are inherent in the luxury buyer segment, which is representative of upper- and middle-class consumers. Serbia maintains cultural characteristics that have many collectivist values, in which loss of face (reputational) is a significant consideration from a social perspective (Cheung et al. 2008). This collectivist mentality

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Contemporary literature suggests that effective team working is Essay

Contemporary literature suggests that effective team working is essential for group efficiency and performance. By evaluating t - Essay Example How teams manage conflict and diversity can also improve decision-making, and consequently, innovation and team performance (Lira et al. 2008; Kauffeld & Meyers 2009). Furthermore, contemporary literature proposes that effective team working is essential for group efficiency and performance. Numerous arguments have been made to describe and explain team effectiveness. For instance, both sociotechnical theory (Pasmore 1988 qtd. in Delarue et al. 2008, p.27) and work design theory (Hackman & Oldham 1976 qtd. in Delarue et al. 2008, p.27) focuses on the design of the group’s task and its relationship to positive results; self-leadership theory has determined that supervisory behaviours help self-managing teams attain success (Manz and Sims 1987 qtd. in Delarue et al. 2008, p.127); and theories of participative management assert that some factors of the organisational context lead to team effectiveness (Huber & Lewis 2010; Jehn et al. 2010). However, theoretical arguments about gr oup effectiveness and group efficiency are not adequate. There should be additional studies on how they can be achieved and preserved. By evaluating this contemporary literature, how can this ‘group efficiency’ and ‘group performance’ be gained and subsequently maintained?† This paper examines the strategies and factors that can achieve and maintain ‘group efficiency’ and ‘group performance.’ Group efficiency Group efficiency refers to the efficiency in attaining group goals (Delarue et al. 2008, p.129). Also, for this paper, although groups and teams can be conceptually different, wherein groups are not always considered as teams, teams and groups will be used interchangeably. Groups will refer to teams also that are made to attain team objectives that can differ according to organisational needs or strategies. Findings showed that factors affecting group efficiency also impact group performance (Delarue et al. 2008; Liu & B att 2010). This research discusses these factors leading to group efficiency separately, but they can also directly or indirectly impact group performance. By indirect relationship, this suggests how certain factors can mediate team performance, such as what Human resource management (HRM) practices can do in influencing group efficiency and group performance (Chuang & Liao 2010; Tsai et al. 2010). Leadership and management Supervisors, acting as organisational leaders, can impact group efficiency and group performance. HR literature has determined three dimensions of the HR system that develop performance: investment in training, work designed to permit employees to interact and develop their skills and problem-solving abilities, and incentives to inspire effort (Chuang & Liao 2010; Tsai et al. 2010; Liu & Batt 2010). Liu and Batt (2010) examined the role of supervisors in enhancing employee performance through employing coaching and group management practices. It studies also the individual and synergistic impacts of these management practices. The research subjects consist of call centre agents in highly standardised jobs, and the organizational context apply to that which calls, or task