Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Notes On Time Management Through Delegation - 1780 Words

Time Management Through Delegation A personal goal for this project is time management through delegation. The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PDCA) is a tool that will be used to develop a plan for quality improvement and achieve the goals that would be beneficial for the nurse and patient care outcomes. The personal goals are to discharge all patients with finished documentation according to the certified post anesthesia nurse (CPAN) rules by using the process of delegation to obtain ancillary help. DELEGATION Delegation is the cornerstone to being a nurse leader, it facilitates the work effort of the staff to accomplish the mission and goals of the healthcare organization. The optimum administration of a unit is contingent on how well the staff functions as a team. One study stated the most intricate skills a nurse leader can have is delegation; proper judgment and knowledge is required to effectively transfer the authority, responsibility, and accountability to a subordinate. Understanding the concept of delegation is e ssential in conveying an assignment, this is the final accountability for the care of a patient. When delegation is not effective, valuable resources are substandard (Weydt, 2010). TIME MANAGEMENT As a critical care nurse working in a post anesthesia care unit the most valued resources is time management. Resources are the means for a healthcare system to deliver services; time is a valuable resourceShow MoreRelatedEffective Delegation : Necessary Skill For The 21st Century Nurse1682 Words   |  7 Pages Effective Delegation : Necessary Skill for the 21st Century Nurse Esther Ademiju Chamberlain College of Nursing NR-101 Transitions in Nursing Meaghan  Gerhardstein Fall 2015: Session A October 1, 2015 Delegation : Necessary Skill for the 21st Century Nurse Imagine yourself as a nurse, you have to take vital signs, calculate IO, assist with activities of daily living, feeding, mobility, etc., and still attend to your professional and managerial duties such as formulation of nursingRead MoreDelegation Is A Leadership Skill For Job Satisfaction, Empowerment, And Effective Patient Care Essay1741 Words   |  7 PagesDelegation is when an individual who is responsible and has authority over a task transfers the responsibility of the task to another person who is qualified and agrees to perform such task (Sullivan, 2012, p.132). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Underdogs By Mariano Azuela - 1416 Words

The Underdogs by Mariano Azuela is arguably the most important novel of the Mexican Revolution because of how it profoundly captures the atmosphere and intricacies of the occasion. Although the immediate subject of the novel is Demetrio Macias - a peasant supporter of the Mexican Revolution -, one of its extensive themes is the ambivalence surrounding the revolution in reality as seen from a broader perspective. Although often poetically revered as a ‘beautiful’ revolution, scenes throughout the novel paint the lack of overall benevolence even among the protagonist revolutionaries during the tumultuous days of the revolution. This paper will analyze certain brash characteristics of the venerated revolution as represented by Azuela’s†¦show more content†¦Macias is clearly not interested in the comforts of material riches and physical safety as Cervantes is. While Cervantes later decides to escape abroad, Demetrio, pursuing his own interest in proving himse lf as an intrepid man and warrior, decides to continue to fight for the revolution despite knowing that there appears to be no end in sight and at the same time sensing the initial purpose of the revolution slowly turning vague. Cervantes, on the other hand, has a different perception of the revolution - which seems nobler and greater - until we learn about its shortcomings on a practical level. He pointed out that the revolution, which was bound to win, was meaningless if Mexico is going to fall again in the cluthces of [its] eternal opressors, excecutioners, and caciques. Cervantes believes that he and Demetrio and his men are the tools Destiny makes use of to reclaim the sacred rights of the people, and that they should be fighting against tyranny itself for principles and ideals. On a rhetorical level this view seems sound and virtuous. However, the foreboding dark consequences remain discernible. Rhetoric plays a crucial role in moldingShow MoreRelatedThe Underdogs By Mariano Azuela1302 Words   |  6 Pagesup and leaving their families for reasons they do not fully comprehend. It is the women, however, in the novel The Underdogs, by Mariano Azuela, that understand this all too well. In The Underdogs, the author depicts Northern Mexican villages overrun by the Mexican Revolution sending impromptu soldiers to fight the war, leaving few citizens left behind with essentially nothing. Azuela paints a picture of the tremendous pressure put on the citizens of Northern Mexico during the Revolution and we seeRead MoreEssay on The Underdogs by Mariano Azuela958 Words   |  4 PagesAuthor Mariano Azuelas novel of the Mexican revolution, The Underdogs, conveys a fictional representation of the revolution and the effects it had on the Mexican men and women who lived during that time. The revolutionary rebels were composed of different men grouped together to form small militias again st the Federalists, in turn sending them on journeys to various towns, for long periods of time. Intense fighting claimed the lives of many, leaving women and children behind to fend for themselvesRead MoreEssay about Analysis of The Underdogs by Mariano Azuela822 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis of The Underdogs by Mariano Azuela In The Underdogs written by Mariano Azuela, we are introduced to a character that strongly symbolizes the fuel of the Mexican Revolution. Heroes like Demetrio Macias brought the Serrano’s hope of giving them what they felt they truly deserved. Although Demetrio Macias, the general (colonel) of a rebel army is hunting down the army of Pancho Villa, he seems to have the same ideals as the enemy. In addition to Demetrio Macias, we meet women like CamillaRead MoreThe Underdogs by Mariano Azuela as a Reflection of the Mexican Revolution2158 Words   |  9 PagesThe Underdogs by Mariano Azuela as a Reflection of the Mexican Revolution In 1910, the first social upheaval of the 20th century was unleashed in Mexico. Known as the Mexican Revolution, its historical importance and impact inspired an abundance of internationally renowned South American authors. Mariano Azuela is one of these, whose novel, The Underdogs is often described as a classic of modern Hispanic literature. Having served as a doctor under Pancho Villa, a revolutionary leader of theRead MoreThe Underdogs Is The Most Important Novel Written By Mariano Azuela868 Words   |  4 PagesThe underdogs is the most important novel written by Mariano Azuela which is deeply linked to the historical context of how the Mexican Revolution was established, especially in the northern states of Mexico. The Mexican Revolution it was intended to ensure a fairer way of life of the agricultural classes. However, it was harsh, brutal, and bloody complex conflict for the whole country, in which federalism and rebels have been fighting tirelessly for a cause they both be lieved to be flawless. AzuelaRead MoreTheu.s. Mariano Azuela s The Underdogs ( Los De Abajo )1320 Words   |  6 Pagesthat were finally implemented was not worth the senseless violence that wracked Mexico. Mariano Azuela, in his novel The Underdogs (Los de abajo), examines this notable problem of the Mexican Revolution through the narrative of a band of rebel soldiers. Their leader is a poor, illiterate, Indian Demetrio Marcà ­as, with his trusted aide the educated, city-boy, journalist Luis Cervantes. As displayed in The Underdogs, the disillusionment with the revolution resulted from the lack of a clear purpose forRead MoreMariano Azuelas the Underdogs1512 Words   |  7 PagesMariano Azuela’s The Underdogs, is about a brotherhood of the Mexican people taking a journey with only one thing on their mind; revenge against Huerta and the Federales. In this story, we as the reader are confronted with characters, such as Demetrio Macias, who is destined to lead his people int o the depths of retaining an incorrupt lifestyle and hopes to find peace from the effect of war. Although Demetrio is seen as one of the main characters in the novel, we are also briefly engaged in the otherRead MoreA Reflection Of The Mexican Revolution1713 Words   |  7 PagesA Reflection of the Mexican Revolution â€Å"’I love the revolution like a volcano in eruption; I love the volcano because it’s a volcano; the revolution because it’s the revolution!’† cries a revolutionary soldier in Azuela’s The Underdogs (159). The Mexican Revolution of 1910 was aimed to overthrow the dictatorship of the Mexican government, which was in constant turmoil as presidents were constantly toppled from power. Porfirio Diaz, the president at the time the uprising began, was removed fromRead MoreThe Underdogs Essay837 Words   |  4 PagesHIST 342 The Underdogs Second Examination (Part I) Mariano Azuelas The Underdogs tells the story of a dauntless Indian farmer who almost unintentionally rises to a generalship in Pancho Villas rebel army during the Mexican Revolution of 1910. Though the events that occur throughout the book are not actual events that took place during the revolution, Azuela is able to paint a very realistic picture of the revolution and leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of the reader as one witnesses theRead MoreWomen of The Underdogs We were asked to write a 7-8 page paper on Mariano Azuelas The Underdogs, and how women were portrayed in it, as well as whether or not we felt the portrayal was accurate.2391 Words   |  10 PagesWomen of The Underdogs Mariano Azuelas novel, The Underdogs, is a male-dominated novel. The story of the exploits and wartime adventures of a rebel band during the Mexican Revolution is primarily driven by men; the majority of the characters are men who are separated from their families and lives and who are fighting for a cause in which they strongly believe (at least at the beginning of the novel). Despite the masculine story, however, there are two highly developed and significant female characters

Monday, December 9, 2019

Case Study on the Success and Decline of Starbucks free essay sample

Starbucks faces a number of challenges it must grapple with. Due to its rapid growth it has had difficulties maintaining a lean and efficient bureaucracy, and also remaining focused on the customer. To name some of the challenges in their Annual report of 2007 the CEO Howard Schultz talked about ‘slow costumer traffic’ in the USA and assured that â€Å"We understand the challenges we face, and we know that we have the ability and experience to overcome them† (Starbucks 2007 p. ). The companys core objectives, according to its latest annual report, are maintaining respect for its brand by both expanding its physical reach and product portfolio, and focusing on remaining an employer of choice. (Starbucks 2009) The following case study aims to take a closer look at the factors involved in the success and decline of Starbucks during the last decade including the period of the economic downturn as well especially as a company which operates in the service sector. We combine a qualitative approach with multiple sources of evidence using secondary data. First we look at the company in general and its background. We then take a closer look at the success factors of service industries in general. In the main section we deal with the case description, as well as the data and methodology involved. We use a SWOT analysis to present our results and reach conclusions. 1 CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS The key words in this research are success, decline and factor as highlighted in the research question. In order to make the readers of this paper understand better the purpose of this study we have defined these terms. The Merriam Webster online dictionary describes success as a favourable or desired out come and it further on describes decline as turning away from a straight course or to tend toward an inferior state or weaker condition. A factor in this paper has been described as anything that actively contributes to the production of a result or outcome. In order to evaluate Starbucks the evaluation processes consist of two variables: organizational performance data and a benchmark that creates a framework for analyzing the data. For organizational information, we focused on the outcomes of its performance, but also including input/ environment/ process/ output- to have a comparative framework for analysis. Starbucks’ outcomes are directly related to the public purpose of the organization and in defining success or failure we look at how effective they are as determined by outcomes. It is very vital to know what value Starbucks provides and its best practices and in doing so an evaluation on the internal operations was done by comparing its core process performance to the most effective and efficient process in the industry. 2 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that led to Starbucks’ success and decline over the last ten years. Starbucks has to compete with other coffee retailers in the world, most of which have a diverse product portifolio in the service industry. The principle competitors have been mentioned in the SWOT analysis done below on the company, and the nature of industry has been critically analysed keeping in mind the marketing mix as well. Starbucks operates in a turbulent environment so it’s critical for it to promote and position itself as a market leader offering exceptional service quality but this does not exempt it from the many traps that lie along the way in terms of being complacent and also some core rigidities which may result thereby adversely affecting its operations as is the case with many companies. A strong case is built on Starbucks especially looking into the fact that it is considered to be a market leader in the coffee industry, its story has been surmount to what is typical of any leading company facing competition and also economic crises but more so importantly in the equation how to handle the pressure. Factors along the way are determined as to why its performance can be considered successful or in the decline mode. The theory looking at customer focus, orientation, how to satisfy a customer and also on the service industry gives us reflective material to better make judgment on Starbucks. The study not only brings out the pitfalls but also critically looks at how the company mitigated those pitfalls by seeking an approach that seeks to improve quality and performance which met or exceeded customer expectations but at the same time stressing that constantly innovating and being aware of societal trends is a company’s way of dealing with these pressures and thereby maintaining an optimal performance. In addition to intangible products, companies in service industry often tangible products to support their main offering. A coffee shop is a good example of that. Even though coffeehouses sell coffee, their main product is to sell pleasant experiences and services. In order to identify reasons for failures in service industry, the key factors of success must be found. Reasons for company’s success or decline can be studied by using so called SWOT-analysis which is briefly presented next in this text. Another way to investigate success and decline in service industry companies is to pay attention to strategic choices of the company. The key points of these are also handled in this text. Customer satisfaction and other factors related to that are also vital for success of businesses in service industry, and therefore these topics are also discussed in this text. 2 Strategy Formulation in service industry According to Porter’s generic strategies, there are three options for companies to form their strategy. Companies can seek for overall cost leadership, use differentiation or focus on specific narrow market segment. Overall cost leadership means simply lower prices than competitors. Differentiation means that company tries to achieve superior performance in an important customer benefit area valued by a large part of the market. By choosing narrow market segment – in another words focusing – company gets to know these segments intimately and then pursues either cost leadership or differentiation within the target segment. (Kotler, et. al. , 2009, p. 56 Differentiation is important way to stand out from other operators. Differentiation is essential in achieving good brand – to be branded products must be differentiated (Kotler, et. al. , 2009, p. 376).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Keystone Pipeline free essay sample

Entrepreneurs believe that such a pipeline will stimulate the nations economy  and  lead to an increase in the amount of jobs. On the other side,  environmentalists believe that the pipeline will be  detrimental  for the environment as the pipeline can be prone to leakage at any given time. That being said, it is crucial to decide  whether  or not the Keystone is in the nations best interest. Can this pipeline  catapult  us out of a recession or will it only hurt us in the long run? Personally, I believe that there is a  possibility  for both situations to occur. The Keystone Pipeline will be able to spur the nations economy to a certain extent by providing a limited amount of jobs and slightly decreasing our dependency on foreign oil, but it will  also  aid in the  destruction  of our environment through carbon emissions and the risk of tar sand spillage. We will write a custom essay sample on Keystone Pipeline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Due to the extension of the Keystone Pipeline, TransCanada predicts that thousands of jobs will arise in order to construct the pipeline. The Keystone XL stretches for approximately 1,700 miles through Canada and the United States. The $7-billion project will have the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day. 25% of the oil being transported will come from American soil while the rest will be found in Canada. As a result, TransCanada predicts that 20,000 direct and 180,000 spin-off jobs will arise from construction of the pipeline. According to the Labor Network for Sustainability, over two million American construction workers are currently unemployed. In actuality, that is roughly every 1 in 5 construction workers. If the TransCanada will truly be able to guarantee as many jobs as they said they would, unemployment rates will go down. Granted, not all two million workers will be able to get a job, but a good portion of them will. Recently, TransCanada has been allowed to extend their pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas. TransCanada predicted that another 4,000 jobs should arise from the extension. Workers are in desperate need of jobs. The unemployment rate has been steadily increasing. The Keystone Pipeline offers working opportunities for Americans. It is a definite fact that the pipeline will create jobs. The underlying questions, however, are how long the jobs will last and how many jobs will be available. Once construction of the pipeline has concluded, so will the jobs. There would be no need to work on something that has already been finished. The amount of jobs TransCanada predicts to surface seems exaggerated. In fact, the U. S. State Department predicted that the pipeline would only create 6,500 temporary jobs, at most. The number of jobs that will be available is definitely a less significant number than the 20,000 that TransCanada predicted. According to TransCanada’s own data, only 11% of the construction jobs on the production of Phase I of the pipeline in South Dakota were filled by workers in the area. The majority of the jobs were only temporary and low paying. A study done at Cornell University stated that the pipeline would even lead to a drop in the number of available jobs as there would be a reduced investment in the clean energy economy. Construction of the XL pipeline will lead to available jobs for Americans, but these jobs will only be temporary. In such an economic crisis, a temporary job is not sufficient anymore. The pipeline will not be able to produce the full time jobs that Americans are seeking. There will be a need for workers once construction for the pipeline has commenced. But, once the pipeline has been completed, those workers will face going back to unemployment and having to start their quest for a job all over again. Another concern for the construction of the pipeline is America’s dependency on foreign oil. At the current time the U. S. is a nation that is very dependent on foreign oil. According to Representative Allen West, nearly 50% of the oil consumed in the U. S. s imported from foreign countries. Our nation is heavily involved in overseas trade of oil. The hope of the pipeline is that it will reduce the dependency on the need for foreign oil since Canada will now be able to provide us with crude oil. As an incentive to construct the pipeline, West also stated that Iran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz. The Strait is an oil passageway that is used on a global scale for the movement of oil. Without the passageway, our foreign oil imports would come to a halt and we would be left only with the oil that is found in our own soil. In this scenario, our oil supplies would be halved. With gas prices already steadily increasing, the lack of oil will lead to a tremendous spike in gas prices. The Keystone XL pipeline would be able to move us away from overseas trade of oil. 830,000 barrels of crude oil will be transported a day from Canada to U. S. refineries. If we do not receive this oil, then another nation will. The pipeline could very well be the key to stabilizing gas prices. Not only can the pipeline stabilize gas prices, but the Keystone will also allow the U. S. to become more dependent on oil found in our own soil and in Canada. The Keystone Pipeline will decrease American dependency on foreign oil, but it would not necessarily decrease our foreign involvement. Firstly, Canada itself is a foreign nation. In the attempt to close our doors to foreign dependency on oil, we are actually becoming even more dependent on solely one foreign nation. The amount of oil we will receive from Canada is a substantial amount since it will replace overseas imports on foreign oil. Instead of being more reliant on our own oil, we are only shifting focus to rely on another nation that is not in economic or political turmoil. Secondly, the Keystone Pipeline itself is an export pipeline. Canada will be using the pipeline in order to transport crude oil to refineries in the Gulf Coast. Once the crude oil reaches the Gulf Coast, refineries will refine the crude oil into diesel and export it to Europe and Latin America. We will not be dependent on these countries anymore for their oil, but we will be involved in the importing and exporting of oil. In fact, this will actually pull the U. S. into a greater involvement with these nations. According to Oil Change International, the only way that we can actually reduce our dependency on foreign oil is to reduce our dependency on all oil as a whole. Throughout history, our energy sources have been constantly changing, from steam, to coal, and now to oil. We are in need of a new energy source and one that is actually reliable. Once we attain it, we will no longer be dependent on oil. The construction of the Keystone XL is a double-edged sword. Not only does it wield the possibility to help the nation, but it also wields the power to devastate the entire globe. One of the main environmental concerns on the construction of the pipeline is that the Keystone will raise the levels of carbon dioxide emissions. These emissions are a huge component of what is causing global warming. According to the Labor Network for Sustainability, the safe level for carbon in the atmosphere is 350 parts per million. Even without the Keystone XL, we have already exceeded that level. The pipeline would only supplement the environmental devastation already caused. The type of oil that is being imported into the U. S. is tar sands oil. Pollution emitted from tar sands oil is actually greater than the pollution emitted from conventional oil. During the refining process of the tar sands, levels of carbon dioxide emissions will be up to three times higher than those of conventional oil. It is more energy consuming to process tar sands compared to processing conventional oil. These tar sands contain enough carbon to raise the carbon emissions in the atmosphere by 200 parts per million. This means that we would be nearly doubling the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Since the Keystone XL will bring in almost one million barrels daily of this oil, the resulting emissions will be equal to adding over six million cars to American roads. A continuation of this will only lead to environmental catastrophe. Sea levels will rise, species will become extinct, floods, droughts, and forest fires will occur. The future impacts of the Keystone need to be taken into account before a clear decision can be made. Lastly, if the pipeline should ever rupture, millions of Americans will be harmed by the toxic spills. As stated before, tar sand oil is the most polluted oil that is available. Tar sand oil contains some of the deadliest chemicals which include nickel, lead, mercury, arsenic, and selenium. Spillage from the pipeline is a direct threat for Midwestern agriculture and drinking water. The Keystone XL will cut through Nebraska, which happens to provide the U. S. with 30% of its groundwater for irrigation. If this water were to become contaminated by the spillage from the pipeline, there would be massive crop failure throughout the Midwest. If the spill should happen near refineries in Texas, approximately 60 counties will have contaminated water due to tar sand oils. The question is, can TransCanada be trusted to construct secure and sound pipelines? In a recent statement, TransCanada announced and has guaranteed that the Keystone pipeline is not prone to spillage. However, pipelines that are manufactured in Alberta, Canada fail from corrosion 16 times more frequently than U. S. pipelines, according to National Wildlife Foundation. Back in Canada, the same company has allowed for 3 million gallons of toxic waste to leak into the Athabasca River in Alberta. Those people who live around the vicinity are experiencing the full blown consequences. Studies have shown that there has been a dramatic spike in the rates of people with cancer in that area. Nearly a million barrels of the same substance will be pumped daily into American soil. Such a risk should not be taken lightly. Millions of lives are at risk with the construction of the Keystone XL. The Keystone XL pipeline system is of national concern. The U. S. has been presented with a double edge sword. On one end, the pipeline has the potential to give Americans more working opportunities and will allow us to move away from overseas dependency on oil. On the other end, however, future generations will suffer the environmental damages that we will bring on ourselves through the pipeline. In the case of the pipeline, the negatives outweigh the positives. There are too many environmental risks that are at stake with the Keystone. Additionally, the positives alone are not convincing enough. It is not in our nation’s interest to construct this pipeline.